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Integrate with Salesforce Using Agave

Salesforce is a provider for CRM software focused on sales, customer service, automation, analytics, and more. Using Agave, you can integrate with Salesforce and dozens of other systems in hours using a single API.

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Salesforce Illustration Read Data

Sync Salesforce Data

Customer Management Read Write

Available via Passthrough


Available via Passthrough


Available via Passthrough


Available via Passthrough

Files Management Read Write

Available via Passthrough

Available via Passthrough


Available via Passthrough

Available via Passthrough

Passthrough Requests Read Write
More Salesforce endpoints (without unified model)

Sandbox + Sample Data for Testing

Agave has sandbox environments with sample data that you can use instead of spending time creating your own.

Dev Enviornment

Get Unified and Raw Data in Each API Call

Agave provides unified models and access to source data. In addition, we even support passthrough requests, so you are never blocked by us.

Example Request
curl https://api.agaveapi.com/opportunities \
	# 3 headers that are consisttent
	-H 'Api-Version: 2021-11-21' \
	-H 'Client-Id: your-client-id' \
	-H 'Client-Secret: your-client-secret' \
	# Change the account token to request data from different accounts and different systems
	-H 'Account-Token: salesforce-example-account-token'
Unified Data

Consistent schema across all systems

  "id": "ee9b53e7-f982-4be6-bc12-75f716d3ee94",
  "source_id": "12345",
  "amount": 150000,
  "close_date": "2022-01-01",
  "creator_id": "ee9b53e7-f982-4be6-bc12-75f716d3ee94",
  "customer_ids": [],
  "description": "A new apartment building in South San Francisco.",
  "name": "123 Apartment Project",
  "probability": 10,
  "stage": "Qualification",
  "status": "Won",
  "type": "New Business",
  "source_create_time": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "source_update_time": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z"
Source Data

Get raw output from Salesforce

  "attributes": {},
  "Id": "12345",
  "IsDeleted": false,
  "AccountId": "12345",
  "IsPrivate": false,
  "Name": "123 Apartment Project",
  "Description": "A new apartment building in South San Francisco.",
  "StageName": "Qualification",
  "Amount": 150000,
  "Probability": 10,
  "ExpectedRevenue": 15000,
  "TotalOpportunityQuantity": null,
  "CloseDate": "2022-01-01",

Learn more →

Passthrough Request

Option to call Salesforce APIs directly

curl --request POST https://api.agaveapi.com/passthrough \
--header 'API-Version: 2021-11-21' \
--header 'Client-Id: your-client-id' \
--header 'Client-Secret: your-client-secret' \
--header 'Account-Token: salesforce-account-token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "method": "GET",
  "path": "/rest/v1.0/opportunities,
  "data": { "date": "2022-12-28" }

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Get Started

Reach out and request access now. We will be in touch in 24 hours.

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